Green energy the way forward for PNG Power

PNG Power undermines government investment in coal mining and Mayur Resources’ plans

Salome Vincent | PNG Loop | 25 August, 2017

The focus going forward for PNG Power Limited is Green Energy.

Acting Chief Executive Officer, Alex Oa said recently that PNG was one of the first countries to sign the Paris Agreement on reducing carbon emissions, and thus the organisation is putting emphasis on renewable energy.

Oa added that in response to Papua New Guinea’s efforts in Climate Change, PPL’s focus is on solar and hydro biomass to reduce the amount of emission released into the atmosphere.

“Fossil fuels are expensive and resorting to renewable energy is cost-saving, and in the long run – prevents further repercussions to the atmosphere.

“Solar farms are being taken into consideration with cooperation established between PNG Power and the Asian Development Bank, but land availability remains the biggest challenge yet, he adds.

Meantime, Oa also highlighted that the other best way to achieve this is using solar panels on rooftops however this will require policies and guidelines on how to go about doing this.

Going forward Oa explained that he is very much interested in pushing the rooftop solar panel option.


Filed under Environmental impact, Papua New Guinea

2 responses to “Green energy the way forward for PNG Power

  1. Roy

    Renwable energy is great if someone else agrees to subsidise it. Justt look at South Australia as an example. Electricity prices are going through the roof. Manufacturing is moving off shore. Families are struggling to pay bills. Is the way forward for PNG?

  2. Gee Mail

    we need cheap affordable and readily accessible power – preferably green

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